So why am I writing this blog........?

This blog is a way for me to record and reflect upon my day to day life and all the changes that have happened to me over the past 2 years. In a nut-shell I moved from the rich, bustling streets of London to the sleepy suburbs of Washington DC all in the name of love. My biggest reward in this adventure has been the love of my wonderful husband and the birth of our beautiful daughter. However this transition is not and has not been an easy one; it's been filled with tremendous highs and devastating lows- all part of life's rich tapestry and part of my story that I want to share as a mother, wife and of course as an English girl settling into life across the pond.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Holiday cruise; first destination- Annapolis

It is a rare day when Doug finally manages to switch off his phone, ignore his email and announce that he is going to take a holiday so we've embraced the holiday spirit and have embarked upon a 'no- plan get away cruise'.  Let me elaborate on the 'no-plan' part, basically we have no where in particular to go in no particular timeframe so we have the luxury of seeing what the weather does and in which direction the wind blows us....literally.

So on Tuesday we set sail to Annapolis, 18.5 miles away up the bay.  We battled against a 20 mph hour head wind and 2-3 foot waves, so the crossing was safe but choppy to say the least.  We made the journey in 4 hours, most of which Tabitha spent asleep in my arms.


Annapolis is the capital city of Maryland and is home to the United States Naval Academy.  It's a town that oozes charm and history  The residential streets are a refreshing, higgledy-piggledy mix of houses that are all shapes, sizes and colours.

There is an air of piratesque fun but also a sense of respect toward the young naval recruits who proudly wander the streets with family and friends.  As we had arrived late into the afternoon we decided to take it easy on Tuesday night with a view to staying the whole day on Wednesday (today) and setting sail for destination 2 on Thursday.

                                               The night time view from Jubilee to Annapolis

It's been a hot one today reaching a high of 88F.  We all woke early and took a morning stroll around the academy.

Once breakfast had been consumed and Tabby had woken from her morning nap we hit the streets of Annapolis for some retail therapy and lunch.  Tabitha was given her first balloon which was a cause of great excitement and amusement.

                                               That balloon looks very familiar Tabitha......!

This evening as Doug and I were relaxing with a G&T in hand we were reprimanded (in a playful way) by a British man for flying our Union Jack flag upside down.  Once in conversation we learned that he and a group of disabled and abled bodied cyclists had just finished a 9 day cycle across America for the charity 'Help the Heroes'.  'BEEP!"- my internal cycle radar immediately sounded as I quizzed them on their adventure.  As we chatted more to the friendly group we were humbled by the feat they had just achieved and would suggest that if anyone wants to give to a worthy charitable cause check out the help for heroes website (

We've had a really relaxing first installment of our cruise.  We've checked the weather for the next few days and it would appear that it is only going to get hotter.  It's undecided where we will sail to next, there's talk that we may head back to the marina as it's going to reach 100 on Friday.....who knows......

                                                              Playtime on the boat!

1 comment:

  1. Were you refering to a likeness between the balloon and Tabby's head?? Bless...
